Merel van Beek (1998), is a young and eccentric artist. In 2017 she explored and enriched her artistic self. After studying for a year at the Art Academy, she chose to create art in her own way, guided by emotion passion and intuition. Her studio is located in the center of The Hague, where she makes colorful, modern and imaginative paintings. For Merel, art is both a form of distraction and a driving force in her life. Passion and emotion are expressed in her artworks, she tries to convey that same power to the viewer.
''Creating new worlds distracted from experiences, thoughts and feelings comes with a colossal sense of freedom. This freedom allowed me to see the world and myself from a different perspective. It is the most powerful thing I have ever felt. I aim to express those insights, details and hopes to you.''
Have you ever noticed how much our thoughts can deviate from reality? It fascinates me deeply that we as humans are able to think fictively and distort the physical world. You may be able to feel this in styles that I use.
''Creating new worlds undistracted from experiences, thoughts and feelings comes with a colossal sense of freedom.''
Opium Avrotros NPO klassiek
NockNock Art event
Wijn & Kunst Atelier
Opium Avrotros NPO klassiek